
Phil    AC4Q

Won the drawing in the 

09-23-23 Meeting

A Outdoor Motion Sensor Alert 

Lee Marion


Presented with Distinguish Service Award 

for life of service to Amateur Radio


Phil Cook


Presented with Certificate of Appreciation 

for Dedication and Exemplary Leadership


Field Day 2024

Tryon NC Radio Club Shares Their Knowledge

Thermal Belt Radio Club

Gary Wells-WB9AYD, Chad Hightower-KO4NUE and Ann Smith-KO4HYC

The team from Thermal Belt Radio Club (Tryon) gave an excellent presentation and demonstration on Winlink and its importance and capabilities. We were also given a challenge to have all members interested to be at our next meeting so we can explain what is needed and get the equipment in hand so they can come back and set each member's system up and ready to go. They have also given an invitation to us to their next meeting on Thursday, May 30th to construct an attenuator for your directional antenna. The cost of the attenuator is approximately $35. Please let me know if you be coming for their meeting.

May 4, 2024 Meeting

Great Group 

Guest Speakers Were Great

Daniel Boyer



South Carolina Section Emergency Coordinator 


Giving a Presentation on the use of DMR and ARES

Robert Webster


Assistant SEC

Assistant South Carolina Emergency Coordinator 


SkyWarn Net Controler

Giving a Presentation on SkyWarn and the reporting criteria and the importance spotters are to NWS 

Lee Marion 


Guardians VP


Showing the directional Antenna that the Tryon Club had a session on how to construct a measure tape Yagi Antenna. The next construction they have is the attenuator next meet of the Tryon Club

Our 1st Exam Session 1-27-2024

Cherokee County SC Guardians 

2023 Christmas Party

Bridging Generations

Lee receiving award

Phil receiving award

Good Group

Pictures Of Our Annual Club Breakfast and Skill Set Day


09-23-23 Meeting 

Good meeting and Great Group

Our 2022 Breakfast At The Lake

April 6th Meeting

LeighAnn Moon

On the upcoming 

Revolutionary Museum

Roger Hill, KW4EMF

Giving a demonstartion

on Directional Antennas 

Phil Chartiner AC4Q

Lee Marion W8CGQ

Presentation on Morse code

Did You Know

It takes approximately 11.57 days to count to one million. Multiply that by a thousand to get to a billion and that will take you out to about 31.7 years. Multiply that by a thousand and you've got how long it takes to count to a trillion, approximately 31,700 years. 

The United States Of America is 35 Trillion in Debt 1,109,500 years to count to 35 Trillion